Friday, February 12, 2010

UMNO - PAS Co-Operation To Be Decided On Sunday

According to BN's top leaders, any decision on PAS-UMNO co-operation will be decided on this sunday.

" We had no problem in cooperating with PAS even any organisation who intent to do so. We are pleased to welcome them", said Datuk Seri Najib; Malaysia Prime Minister.

Recall to Tuan Guru Datuk Seri Haji Nik Abdul Aziz statement last week, PAS was established by 'Ulama' UMNO' and quarrel between PAS-UMNO since over 40 years ago never ended in good term. Later he decided to discuss with UMNO in order to build a new subway of government-opposition.

As for me, government have to decide wisely in term of prooving the sincere to have good term with opposition. Who knows, probably PAS will announce quit from Pakatan Rakyat and join Barisan Nasional???????? Amiiiin from me, a Malaysian muslim..

""EpOoL De DrAgONiZeR""

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