Wednesday, August 19, 2009

UMNO = Hell .. PAS = HEAVEN ???

Recently I've read about a statement of PAS's ( Malaysian Islamic Party ) Mursyidul Am, Datuk Seri Haji Nik Abdul Aziz claims anyone who goes for UMNO ( United Malay Nation Organisation ) were classified as a hell's member which means all muslims who voted for UMNO will go to hell. Instead of it, who voted for PAS and be with it will go to heaven.

How could he said that?? As for me, a healthy muslim can't state it furthermore there are no one among us are qualify to categorized someone about the next world. It is an embarassment for him to proclaim that kind of statement as he is the respected religiousman in this country and shouldn't come out with an unacceptable allegation as that.
Back to the history, he wasn't uneducated man. He was graduated from the El-Ezhar University of Cairo and definitely he is a well-educated man for good and as for that, it is unacceptable when he accused the pro-government as an infidel or "kafir" just because they're not within PAS. How shamed it was when an educated man act like a dumb person.
: HELL ??


He need to remember everything he did on this world do have it's payback and revenge. ALLAH will never missed His slave who did wrong. Forgiveness are applied to every muslim as we are relative to each other. He should notice on it. Better he repent for sake of his life here and for the next world as well.

p/s : I pray to ALLAH may he forgive all my sins ^_^

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You just read it from local newspaper, not from his own mouth. Dont trust anything unless you heard it yourself in front of you. Reporters can write everything and manipulate anything people said.